APS Crack Filler
What Causes Potholes and Road Decay?
- High Volumes of Load-bearing Traffic
- Poor Road Maintenance
- High Temperatures
- Extreme Weather Conditions
Why are We Concerned at Africa Pothole Solution?
- High Frustration levels for Motorists
- Root Cause of many road accidents
- Damage to Vehicles
- Invisible during Rainy conditions or at Night
- Negative Effect on the Economy and Companies in the Transport Industry
The cost of addressing minor deficiencies is much less than addressing major deficiencies. We have to do road maintenance when the roads are in fair-to-good condition, rather than waiting until they are in poor condition. A good time to do crack sealing is when an asphalt road or street is in fair to good condition. Along with proper drainage, crack sealing is probably the single most important maintenance activity. Most road distresses can be related to the intrusion of water into the structure. If water is kept out, the majority of distresses can be stopped or delayed. Crack sealing has two primary purposes: To prevent the intrusion of water through the crack into the underlying structure and To prevent extraneous materials from entering the crack and causing further deterioration as the road expands and contracts with temperature changes.