APS Crack Filler

What Causes Potholes and Road Decay?

Why are We Concerned at Africa Pothole Solution?

Cracks start to form on road surfaces as a result of any or all the above. Water seeps through these cracks accumulating at the sub-base and lower levels of the road structure. In a short time, this weakens the road base, and a new pothole is born causing:

The cost of addressing minor deficiencies is much less than addressing major deficiencies. We have to do road maintenance when the roads are in fair-to-good condition, rather than waiting until they are in poor condition. A good time to do crack sealing is when an asphalt road or street is in fair to good condition. Along with proper drainage, crack sealing is probably the single most important maintenance activity. Most road distresses can be related to the intrusion of water into the structure. If water is kept out, the majority of distresses can be stopped or delayed. Crack sealing has two primary purposes: To prevent the intrusion of water through the crack into the underlying structure and To prevent extraneous materials from entering the crack and causing further deterioration as the road expands and contracts with temperature changes.

The Solution APS Crack Filler How Does It Work?

APS Crack Filler can be applied straight from any container bottle or bucket. Our mixture is shipped in 200l containers and from there it can be poured over into smaller containers. The product is ready to use as is and depending on the size of the crack, it can be applied without any prior preparation. It is, however, recommended to clean the crack with an air blower and removing of any organic material inside the crack before applying the APS Crack Filler. Our highly effective concentrate will cover approximately 7metre per 1Litre.